I have to be honest with you that I can be pretty addicted to research. That is why whenever my friends send me interesting articles in the mail, I tend to search online and read more about it.
Earlier today, I received an e-mail with the subject "Something About Yahudi" from Cik Bit. I thought it'd be interesting to read, so I downloaded the word document.
Indeed, it was interesting. someone claimed that while browsing through some websites, he stumbled upon a thesis by Dr Stephen Carr Leon entitled "Why the Jews so smart". And this man, took the effort (more like trouble) to translate part of the thesis to the Malay Language.
I'm not gonna post the lengthy article here, but these are some excerpts of the article. For full article, just google, trust me, you can NEVER FAIL to find the so-called malay translated article.
Ketika tahun kedua, akhir bulan December 1980 dan sedang saya menghitung hari untuk pulang ke California saya terfikir apakah sebab nya kaum Yahudi begitu pintar? Kenapa tuhan memberi kelebihan kepada mereka? Apakah ini suatu kebetulan? Atau olah manusia sendiri? Adakah bijak boleh dijana? Seperti kilang pengeluaran?
Maka saya pon tergerak membuat tesis untuk Phd saya, disamping kebaikan untuk umat sejagat dan dapat hidup secara harmoni. Untuk pengetahuan anda tesis yang saya lakukan ini mengambil masa hampir lapan tahun, ini kerana untuk mengumpulkan data-data yang setepat mungkin.
Di Israel, setelah mengetahui yang sang ibu sedang mengandung, pertama kali saya perhatikan ialah, sang ibu akan sering menyanyi dan bermain piano dan si ibu dan bapa akan membeli buku metamatik dan menyelesaikan masalah metamatik bersama suami, saya sungguh hairan kerana teman saya yang mengandung sering membawa buku metamatik dan bertanya kepada saya beberapa soalan yang beliau tak dapat menyelesaikanya, oleh kerana saya memang minat tentang metamatik, tentu saja dengan senang saya bantu beliau. Saya bertanya kepada beliau, adakah ini untuk anak kamu? Beliau menjawab, “ia, ini untuk anak saya yang masih didalam kandungan, saya sedang melatih otak beliau, semuga ia menjadi genius apabila dewasa kelak”
Seperkara lagi yang saya perhatikan ialah pemakanan beliau, sejak awal mengandung beliau gemar sekali memakan kacang badam dan korma bersama susu , dan untuk tengah hari makan utama beliau ialah roti dan ikan tanpa kepala bersama salad yang digaul dengan badam dan berbagai jenis kekacang, menurut beliau daging ikan sungguh baik untuk perkembangan otak dan kepala ikan mengandungi kimia yang tidak baik yang dapat merosakkan pengembangan dan penumbuhan otak anak didalam kandungan.
Di Israel, merokok adalah taboo, apabila anda diundang makan dirumah Yahudi, jangan sekali kali merokok, dan tanpa malu mereka akan menyuruh anda keluar dari rumah mereka dam merokok diluar rumah mereka.
Perhatian saya selanjutnya ialah melawati tadika mereka, Pemakanan anak anak tadi cukup dikawal, makanan awal ialah buah buahan bersama kacang badam, diikuti dengan menelan pil minyak ikan (code oil lever) Didalam pengamatan saya, kanak Yahudi sungguh bijak dan rata rata mereka memahami 3 bahasa iaitu Hebrew, Arab dan Inggeris dan sedari awal lagi mereka telah dilatih bermain piano dan violin, ini adalah suatu kewajipan. Menurut mereka bermain musik dan memahami nota notanya dapat meningkatkan lagi IQ kanak kanak dan sudah tentu bakal menjadikan budak itu bijak.
Kesimpulanya, pada teori saya, melahirkan anak dan keturunan yg bijak boleh dilaksanakan dan tentunya bukan semalaman, ianya memerlukan masa, beberapa jenerasi mungkin? Persiapan awal adalah ketika sang ibu mengandung, galakkanlah siibu melakukan latihan metamatik yg mudah tetapi konsisten disamping mendengar musik klasik. Seterusnya ubahlah cara pemakanan, makanlah makanan yg elok dan berhasiat yg baik untuk otak, menghayati musik sejak kecil adalah baik sekali untuk penumbuhan otak kanak kanak, dengan bermain piano dan violin sudah tentu dapat melatih anak anak mencerdaskan otak mereka demikian juga sukan yg memerlukan konsetrasi yg tinggi, seperti memanah, bola keranjang, dart dan menembak.
Selamat sejahtera dan semuga kita dapat melahirkan manusia yg bijak dan bersifat mulia untuk kebaikan manusia sejagat tanpa mengenal batasan bangsa.
Dr. Stephen Carr Leon
After reading the article, I google-d for Dr Stephen Carr Leon. I was hoping that I could get the English version as the sender of this article claimed he found Dr Leon's article on the web. But, I wasn't surprised when I COULD NOT FIND any English version of this thesis. Do this, and you'll only get a list of all the Malay translated article.
And for this, I may conclude that:
* Dr Stephen Carr Leon DOESN'T EXIST. Neither does his thesis.
* An Average Joe wrote this article but he had to claim that it is a thesis so that the article looks like it is proven BY RESEARCH.
* The moment I read the thesis is entitled "Why the Jews so smart", I knew this is a hoax. The sentence may have semantics, but not the grammar. What happened to "Why the Jews ARE so smart"?? Someone ate the ARE in the process of translation?
* He wrote this for his PhD?? What the fish. I've never seen a thesis this simple for a PhD level.
I do agree that who-ever wrote this article made some really good points about why those people are clever (let's not generalize ALL Jews). But these are just some healthy lifestyle that are known too many. The only difference is, some practices it, some don't.
To the Average Joe who wrote this article, you've made your point. And yes, people are believing this article by spamming another persons inbox. Oops, sorry Biha! Hehe.
Anyway, if Dr Stephen Carr Leon is REAL and his thesis can be found somewhere, please buzz me. I may have to delete this post then. Haha. But don't attempt to fool me.
****************UPDATE 2:46 P.M.****************
If you google Dr Stephen Carr Leon now, you'll get my blog somewhere on top too!
Haha. The power of blogging this guy is hilarious!
I took from:
I did some googling, too, and, yeah, yours is on the top of the list. I assume this Dr Stephen Carr Leon thing is officially a hoax :D
ReplyDeleteI acdentali font DR Stephen Carr Leon name when talking meaning of osrael flag and simbol of israel nation. On some one blog, i font ini his relate post under title, Why the Jews so smart. I I read it, and font DR Stephen carr leon name.
ReplyDeleteOne again, because I am embitred abaot DR Stephen Carr Leon, i broising on google. Finaly, i font this post on your blog. I read it.
Thkas to post. I Know thta DR Stephen Carr Leon Never Exit. I agre that we can not generate every jews people us smart people.
Every man in the word who practic healty life style, work hard, and fokus on study will be smart that any one who waste his time.
great post.
The Children of Hasem, based on TORA (the Holly Father teachings) survived almost 5,000 year!
ReplyDeleteTORA is a tree of wisdom and long and helthy life on the right, and reaches on the left for everyone!
Sunner, Akkad, Babilon, Rome and so on didn't survive!
I am MEng. in Mechanics, and like learning even am 61 years old.
If we try to learn, mybe descover that all humans are alike, the children of Hasem(Holy Father), and there are reasons:
1. NOT to hate each other;
2. To work in the same TEAM;
3. For everyone fulfillment.
Don't forget:
"Everyone complains about lack of money, but NO ONE of lack of wisdom!"
Best regards,
Mr. Vasile Catranji